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Our NEW isolved release goes live
December 15, 2023

Release 9.24 has some exciting new additions! We are working hard to provide the best tools for you and your team.

In this release:

  • Platform: AEE Updates to Preferences
  • Time: BIPA Update to Synchronize Consents
  • Screen Updates


AEE – Updates to Preferences

In Adaptive, users will now be able to set their user preferences just as they can in Classic! This means managers and supervisors will be able to set their own default Legal Company and Role (Manager/Supervisor) in the Preferences user interface. Additionally, provided Legal Pay Groups are configured properly, Adaptive Employee Self-Service users now can use preferences options to set receipt of their ESS Pay Stub to either Print or Electronic formats.  Preferences set up in classic will carry over to AEE and the mobile app.


BIPA – Synchronize Consents

With the previous BIPA rollout, there were instances where employees consented at the clock, but those consents never propagated to the isolved host. We corrected the error in a previous release, however there may still be employee statuses where consents are only recognized at the clock.

With this script, the issue will be resolved. There may be employees who have consent forms attached directly to the NXG clocks but not uploaded to isolved, therefore, once the update is released on December 15, those employees will need to consent at the clock again if the consent form was not uploaded to isolved.

Screen Updates

Over the next few months, you will see that we are refreshing several screens, moving them to a more modern look using the new grid style that you have already seen on other newer screens. The overall functionality stays the same with some differences noted below.

This is an example of the new screen, where you can sort, filter, group, and view all pieces of information:

The following Screens have been updated in this release.

Client Management > Client Maintenance > Split Wrap:

  • Updated grid layout.
  • Added export to Excel.
  • Added filtering to all columns.
  • Added edit button.

Client Management > Work Locations > Work Location by Labor

  • Updated grid layout.
  • Added export to Excel.
  • Added filtering to all columns.
  • Added edit button.

Payroll Processing > Payroll Entry > Void Third Party Checks

  • Updated grid layout.
  • Added export to Excel.
  • Added filtering to all columns.
  • Added action button (Void button is on the action screen).

If you want to see what else Thread and isolved can do for you, contact our team today!