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Our NEW isolved release goes live
December 29, 2023

Release 9.25 has some exciting new additions! We are working hard to provide the best tools for you and your team.

In this release:

  • ESS Pay History
  • Default Week Start Day
  • Screen Updates


ESS Pay History

With this release, updates have been made to the design for Pay & Tax > Pay History to include additional items when an employee’s W4 filing status is for 2020 or later.

Changes to the UI and functionalities on the Pay Summary screen include:

  • Reissue Datedisplayed when applicable on the summary to the right of the pay date.
  • Employee Details: New section for the items below.
    • Employee Number
    • SSN
    • Labor field(s)
  • Employee Taxes field will include Current and YTD taxable wages.
  • Filing Status: Moved to the bottom of the list and the filing statuses for federal, state, and local taxes are better defined. Please note that the filing statuses for these fields will only show if there is data.


Default Week Start Day

Users will now be able to have their default week start day changed in the scheduler!

When viewing the scheduler, the view will display to what is set rather than the default Sunday-Saturday view as it does currently.

The scheduling options are:

  • Sunday-Saturday (Default)
  • Monday-Sunday
  • Tuesday-Monday
  • Wednesday-Tuesday
  • Thursday-Wednesday
  • Friday-Thursday
  • Saturday-Friday

If you would like to update your view, please contact Support.

Screen Updates

Over the next few months, you will see that we are refreshing several screens, moving them to a more modern look using the new grid style that you have already seen on other newer screens. The overall functionality stays the same with some differences noted below.

This is an example of the new screen, where you can sort, filter, group, and view all pieces of information:

The following Screens have been updated in this release.

Client Management > Client Utilities > ESS Settings > Self-Service Roles:

  • Updated grid layout.

Employee Management > Employee Pay > Payroll Accumulations:

  • Updated grid layout.

Employee Management > Employee Maintenance > Employment:

  • Updated grid layout.
  • Added edit button.
  • Added filtering to all columns.

If you want to see what else Thread and isolved can do for you, contact our team today!